How To Make Your New Business Profitable

A profitable business will not just appear on its own. You’ll require the appropriate information, approaches, and tools, as well as a strategy. In this blog article, we provide you with some key strategies that serve as ways to increase your business profits and catapult you to one of the most profitable UK businesses in 2023.

Do A Competitor Analysis

There are businesses that will charge you a hefty amount for competitor analysis. However, you can easily handle this yourself if you have just started a new business. Simply identifying who your actual top competitors are is a great starting point. Once you are aware of this, you may begin to investigate their features and drawbacks as well as how their product or service varies from your own.

You could find out that, in terms of your offerings, you are the market leader. However, if your competition is beating you on this front, you may be able to take this information and implement adjustments accordingly.

search business name

As part of your competitor analysis, you may also want to make sure you aren’t using the intellectual property of anyone, and no one is using yours. To do that, you can use our Business Name & Domain Search Tool, which has a catalogue of all names out there and is designed to help you secure your business name and domain.

Develop A Business Map

A business map is the foundation of any successful business. If you don’t have it, you won’t be able to find where you’re going. This map is more than just a route from A to B. It takes into account many possibilities so that you are prepared for everything, then links it all to your ultimate business objective.

It may sound complicated but business mapping is drawing out the roles and responsibilities within your business, having some kind of spreadsheet analysis of your customers, and general step by step guides to processes and procedures in place.

As part of your business map, you will need to figure out funding to get things going before you can think about getting something in return. This is where a step-by-step guide to financing your new business can be of use. For more on this, read our article linked below.

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Set Reasonable Goals

It’s natural to want to make loads of money and be the best business in the UK right away. However, if you approach starting a business with the goal of big growth from the get go, you will find yourself very quickly overwhelmed.

Aim for incremental and sustainable business growth.

Aim for incremental and sustainable business growth. Set SMART goals—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. Concentrate on streamlining your procedures and administrative structure in order to progressively boost revenues over the long term. Everything valuable in life requires effort. Avoid being sidetracked by short fixes or getting sucked into a rivalry. Pay attention to your company’s long-term growth and what’s best for it.

It is always helpful to look back and review your business plan, remember your initial aims, goals and the reason behind starting your business. You can then reflect the changes you and your business have made and any amended goals you may have.

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Identify What is Restricting Profits

You need to take a step back and look at your business objectively as you consider ways to turn a profit. What’s keeping you from generating the earnings you know you can make right now? Is it a lack of effective leadership abilities? Do you or your staff have the right skills in the field you are working in? Have you neglected to spread the word about your brand enough?

Reflecting on the things that are not going well is tough. When you’ve put your absolute all into something but it still isn’t right or not quite enough, it is hard to swallow. It may help to think about whether you are emotionally clinging to anything that is restricting the development of your business. If so, it might potentially be the source of the issue. Have you clung to restrictive beliefs? Being emotionally attached to a product or service that isn’t performing is harder to review and evaluate than those you’re not so bothered about.

Once you’ve determined what is preventing you from implementing your strategy to boost profits, you may look for the resources you need, either personally or professionally, to get beyond your obstacles.

Harness Strategic Innovation

Few businesses can honestly claim to give their clients anything completely unique. Those that succeed in doing so are the real disruptors, but being one of these businesses is not necessary for profit or growth. Successful businesses build upon already-established concepts, doing it in a way that is beneficial to and desirable to their target market. There is a reason the phrase “ reinvent the wheel “ exists.

Basically, they strategically innovate. To achieve this, you must ascertain who your actual customers are and the reasons behind their demand for your offerings.

Build And Use Connections

There is much more involved in managing a successful business than merely crunching numbers or administrative prowess. Building relationships is among the many elements that influence company success, just like most other aspects of life. Consider your network as a grouping of strategic partnerships rather than just people.

Establish connections with businesses that are complementary to yours and think about collaborating with them for recommendations. You may expand your reach and your potential for profit by discovering how to use your relationships.

Remember networking isn’t about selling your product or services to those people you may meet in a conference room. Yes it is good to introduce yourself, your business and explain what you have to offer to X networker, but this may be as much for someone that X knows than them themselves. They may offer services or know someone that offers services in areas that are not your strength and they may be able to strengthen your business.

Develop Bespoke Customer Engagement Strategies

Examining your target market’s engagement closely is essential to learning how to turn a profit. There isn’t one solitary sales or marketing approach that works for everyone, so you must tailor yours to your particular offering and target market.

Given current technology and the widespread use of social media, immediacy is a key component of outreach for many businesses. Utilising social media and your website to interact with and inform your target market about your offerings has had and is having great success. To draw consumers, you may think about using webinars, demos or other interactive tools. But think about your ideal client, who are they? Where are they? Where do they like to go? Where do they research or look for businesses they may want to use? That is where you need to make your business visible.

Check On Your Team

The single largest cost for many new businesses is labour. The time and effort the workers spend on the job can result in lost income and profits for business owners if things are not managed effectively. Salaries and associated payments are only one aspect employers need to take into account. There are costs associated with operating a business without the advantages of technology, as well as the fact that spending too much time on necessary but low-value tasks can erode your profitability. These factors include lost productivity as a result of ineffective communication between staff, management, and/or clients.

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Aim For Satisfied Workers

It is hoped that if your business employs people, you would recognise that they are one of your most valuable assets. Keeping your staff content may greatly affect your company, especially the financial side of things. Employee happiness is likely to increase productivity. Additionally, they are more likely to promote a favourable view of your company and aid in bringing in new clients.

Employee happiness is likely to increase productivity.

Reduced staff turnover is the other result of satisfied workers. Bringing on new employees is an expensive endeavour that may impact your profits.

Automate Wherever You Can

Lower-value or repetitive tasks can be a drag, but they may need to be done. However, you do not have to spend a lot of time on them. Online solutions and automation tools can help with it.

By automating such tasks, you’ll have more time to focus on business growth. The rise of mobile solutions for these lower-value tasks has been a significant development for new businesses over the past few years. These solutions allow for the effective management of teams within a business, the clientele, and the billing processes.

Things to think about are having Direct Debits set up rather than having to chase customers for recurring fees or charges, use automotive software for emails or forms on your website.

Keep Track Of Your Progress

Your decisions are not set in stone just because you have an action plan. As your plan develops, keep an eye on your results. Have you found a sustainable strategy to turn a profit? Decide on intervals when you’ll update your team on your progress. If you want to track development, check after a set interval — three to six months, for instance.

By monitoring and evaluating your success, you can determine what’s working and what isn’t, improve your strategy for turning a profit, and get employee feedback. Is it possible that your objectives aren’t realistic if you continually fall short of them? Or is it that you’re concentrating on the wrong things? You may increase your goal-setting and your earnings if your goals are readily accomplished.

Implementing all these strategies can sometimes be overwhelming when you’ve just started a new business. This is where the help of a professional service can be useful.

We help prospective and existing business owners with start-up packages and other services which support them and their business as they look to grow.

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  • Identify your competitors and explore their strengths and weaknesses to be able to adjust your business orientation.
  • Develop a business map that charts a pathway towards your business objectives.
    Set goals that are realistic and attainable. Use SMART strategy to this end.
  • Make a list of factors that could possibly be restricting your business profitability.
    Strategically innovate by ascertaining who your actual customers are and the reasons behind their demand for your offerings.
  • Establish connections with businesses that are complementary to yours and think about collaborating with them for recommendations and new offerings.
  • Utilise social media and your website to interact with and inform your target market about your offerings. Consider traditional marketing collateral also.
  • Keeping employees satisfied will improve productivity.
  • Use online solutions and automation tools where possible to help with lower-value or repetitive tasks.
  • As your business action plan develops, keep an eye on your results.
  • Get professional help to expedite profitability

How National Business Register Can Help Protect Your Brand

At National Business Register, we recognise that your brand is one of your business’s most valuable assets. Our team of IP experts can guide you through the complexities of brand protection. Whether you’re a start-up or an established business, we’re here to help you secure the unique aspects of your brand, ensuring it remains protected against imitation and misuse. Contact us to learn how we can support you in building a brand that’s not only memorable but also legally safeguarded.  You can email us at or calling  0800 069 9090.

Don’t leave your IP to chance – let’s protect your business together.