Registered Design

What is a Registered Design?

With designs you have two types of rights: unregistered and registered.

You don’t have to register a design, but registration gives you added protection.  Registering a design will protect the appearance of your products and branding, so the look, shape, configuration or ornamentation of products.

In the UK your rights are protected for up to 25 years once registered.  Once registered, it is clear that you own the rights to that design and therefore you no longer need to establish ownership.

Additionally, you’re protected against someone knowingly copying your design, but also against someone unknowingly infringing your design rights.


This is the first step to getting your registered design. Novelty searches are required to ensure your intended design isn’t infringing on any existing registrations and should be done before trying to register your mark.


The next step is to register. Registered designs protect your IP with the option to renew every 5 years for up to 25 years total. Our team are on hand for any and all questions throughout the process.


Our Watching Searches ensure that any new applications are monitored, and if any pending applications look to be too similar to, copy, or imitate your design, we can notify you and take action in time to prevent a registration from being completed.

Protecting a Design

The value of design rights is often underestimated, however, registering design rights can be hugely advantageous. They allow businesses to secure lucrative competitive advantage in crowded markets. The classification system is not present when registering designs as it is with trade marks and currently within the UK, registering design rights are slightly quicker.

We have assisted all industry types in registering their designs from furniture to fashion. For some products, design may be the only distinguishing feature. For this reason, it is important for those businesses that depend upon design to ensure that they have legal protection for the appearance of their products.

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