Is Trademark Infringement the Same As Passing Off?

In the UK, both “trademark infringement” and “passing off” concern the unauthorised use of a mark or sign in relation to goods or services in a way that might cause confusion to the public. However, there are notable differences between the two. Here’s a comparison:

Nature and Basis:


Rights Origin:



Geographical Scope:

In essence, while both concepts aim to protect businesses from unfair competition and deception in the marketplace, the mechanisms and requirements differ. Trademark infringement operates within the statutory framework of trademark laws, whereas passing off is rooted in common law principles designed to prevent misrepresentation.

Looking for IP or Trade Mark Protection for Your Brand?

If you wish to gain exclusive rights to your business name, logo, tag line or design within the UK or globally, National Business Register Group (NBR) has been assisting businesses with trademarks and brand protection since 1984. Contact NBR on or by calling 0800 069 9090.

Looking for Business Name Protection?

If you want more information about how to protect your business name in the UK without registering a trade mark, contact us at Start.Biz where we will be able to assist with business name protection. Start.Biz is a subsidiary of NBR, please email Info@Start.Biz or call 0800 069 9090.